While Kenton Lee was in Kenya in 2007 to work with 140 orphaned children affected by HIV/AIDS , he observed that many children either did not have shoes or had cut the toe box so the ones that had would fit. Speaking with the director the orphanage, Lee found out that shoes were not being donated to the little ones, he decided to do something about it and founded Because International. Their aim is to work with those in extreme poverty and make their dreams come to fruition.

The idea he came up with for an adjustable shoe would eventually come to life as ‘The Shoe that Grows. This innovative piece of footwear comes in two sizes, small and large (the small is to fit from preschool to about the 4th or 5th grade, and the large from 4th or 5th grade to 9th grade) and were designed to last approximately 5 years.
Mr. Lee and his Shoe that Grows are not only going after a poverty and need issue but a health issue as well; globally, over two billion people suffer from soil-transmitted parasites and diseases.
Because International has a funding campaign set up. To donate a pair of shoes is $10. These shoes will be assigned to a duffel bag, which will be sent all over to the children in need. The organization’s largest order of 5,000 pairs will be delivered this summer.
For more information on this admirable and worthy cause, please visit both The Shoe That Grows and Because International.